• Apt 56 Islington Wharf, Manchester,
    M4 6DH, UK

Our Mission

Mat 9:35

Join us Today

Mat 9:37

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Prov 11:28

Teaching, Healing, Changing Lives from City to City

I welcome you to City2City Encounter with God Mission We are an interdenominational apostolic Movement with a vision of winning souls, healing the sick and changing lives.
The word Movement means we will not be static or stagnant but will move from City to City holding BIG Crusades where God's Power will manifest in healing, miracles, signs and wonders.
I encourage you to be a part of this movement as we go from City to City teaching and preaching the gospel, healing and delivering the oppressed and changing lives all by the Power and Special Grace of God.
Together we can win more souls, do more good works and change more lives to the glory of God
God bless you.
Apostle Stephen Odularu
Convener and Founder

Our Vision

Our Vision is to win souls, heal the sick and change lives.
By the Special grace of God, this Vision shall be accomplished in Jesus name. Come and be a part of this Movement.
Your ministry and your church will never be the same again..
Join us

Upcoming Events


JESUS: The Prince of Peace (Is 9:6; Mark 4:37-41)


JESUS: the Great Restorer (Mark 3)


CHRIST in You (Col 1:9)


  • 24th June, 02.00pm
  • Lagos Nigeria

Your Small Gift Can Take
The Gospel Round The World!

Statement of Faith

Deity of Christ

We believe in the deity of our Lord, Christ Jesus. Jesus is God incarnate, and was manifest in human flesh. He was like us in all ways except for one, being free from sin..

Deity of Christ
Holy Bible

We believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God. The Word of God is eternal and unbroken. (Numbers 23:16-19) (John 1:1-14) (II Timothy 3:15-17)

Holy Bible
In-errancy of the bible

We believe the Bible is the inerrant, plenary, verbally inspired word of God, which is needed to direct lost souls to a saving faith in Jesus Christ as Savior.

In-errancy of the bible
The Trinity

We believe in one God, eternally existent in three persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. (Deu6:4-5) (Matt28:19-20) (I John 5:7)

The Trinitye
Virgin Birth of Christ

We believe that our Lord was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary. (Isaiah 7:14) (Matthew 1:18-23)

Virgin Birth of Christ
Bodily Resurrection and Ascension of Christ

We believe that Christ is the risen saviour. Jesus rose from the dead, ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of the Father.

Bodily Resurrection and Ascension of Christ
Christ Died for Our Sins

We believe in the vicarious atoning death of Jesus, who died on the cross so that we might live - offering Himself up as the perfect sacrifice for sinful man. (Rom 5:6-10) (I Thess 5:9-10)

Christ Died for Our Sins
Water Baptism

We believe that all believers should receive water baptism, as a demonstration of our faith, and in obedience to the commandment of our Lord. This act represents a commitment by the believer, and should be accompanied by a renewal and sanctification via the Holy Spirit

Water Baptism